Wednesday, 28 September 2011


DMA 133-Less is More

For this project, we had to take an item and do 6 drawing of it. The first three panels are of the image zooming in more, the next three go as follows; negative, with one color, full color.This is what I created:

DMA 133-Organic

For Multi Media Design, we were assigned to take a organic object and I chose to made an arrangement with flowers and leafs:

Then we had to draw the image (and coloring was optional) and this is what I created:

Monday, 19 September 2011

First Entry

 So this is a blog for class that we needed to create to post our work and creative though process. I am a student at Seneca College @ York in the program DMA (Digital Media Arts). The first project was to create a bunny using art utensils and so everyone drew a bunny (although the main point was to get the idea across of thinking outside the box and make it like an origami for instance) and we were to post the picture as our first post so here is my bunny.
Later on when thinking of a name for this blog, I decided to name it after the drawing (Demented Rabbit) and played around with the drawing and here are some stuff that I came up with. So more blogs soon to come as well as random pictures :)