Thursday, 12 April 2012

DMA234- Zombify

So for this project, we had to take a picture of ourselves and using photo manipulation we had to transform ourselves into zombies.

DMA204- Kensington Market Place

This was a final project for photography that I never got around to uploading. Basically we had to go around the Kensington Market Place and take creative pictures that best describe the are and then add short captions to each image. The way that I uploaded it here is in no particular order.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

DMA205-Run Animation

For this project, we had to create an animation of a character running with a background. I decided to make a Cheshire cat like character and made it run through the forest.

I started out by drawing out the character and placing him accordingly (I used onion skin to make it easier to see were to place the next frame)

Then I drew out the background (the trees) in illustrator and exported it into the flash library.
Then I started to animate it with different speeds (the foreground the fastest, the runner, the middle grounds, and the far background).

This is the screen shot of the working area as I was animating.

This is what the working area as well as the time line looked like after I added in the music to the animation.

And the final product of the swf file.

The final product can be seen here: